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Final night of the pairs

By Anna Kalma - Posted on 23 October 2013

I went into the clubrooms today to download last night results and work out the overall winner of the 4 night pairs and it appeared that not all the results had been captured last night.

Hence the reason for some altered scores (for those that hung around for the results last night).

The winners of both the scratch and handicap sections from last night were: Alison Cradock and Hermanna Hemmes

BUT ... the big winners for the 4 night competition were ... drum roll ...Jillian O'Neill and Greg Saxon.

Because they were the only pair who managed to play every week!

Although to make the ladder appear a bit more interesting - I allowed one score to be dropped and 3 sessions allowable. So on that basis Alison Cradock and Hermanna Hemmes were the unofficial winners (scratch and handicap.