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AGM - Breaking News!!!

By Anna Kalma - Posted on 24 November 2013

Well nothing really startling happened at the AGM but we do have some new appointments with new blood on the committee:

President: Greg Saxon (nothing different there)
Secretary: Jacquie Loney
Treasurer: Victor Kooter
(and new committee member: Rochelle Van Heuven)

Some of the topics covered:

Subs & Table money: due to increases from NZ Bridge, Te Aroha will increase fees as per the following affective 2014:

Annual subs: $35
table money: $2.50
Affiliation/associate member: $15

Lessons: will start in March and run for 10 weeks on a Wednesday. Encourage all club members to sign up at least one person each. Word of mouth best promotion for the game.

Xmas dinner on the 10th December. Unsure if we are able to open the event up for partners due to space restrictions. But will firm up numbers and make a decision about this in the coming few weeks.

Working bee/annual spruce up: Monday 9.30am 9th December @ the clubrooms.

2014 Programme: some minor changes which will be firmed up and ratified after circulation at the club on Tuesday.