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Monday Night boards

By Anna Kalma - Posted on 01 April 2015

Monday night at Matamata saw the room facing some interesting/exciting boards. In total there was something like a staggering 12 slams available over the course of the night ... one board in particular was very unusual Board 2:

board 2board 2

Interesting in that there was a slam available in both directions ... The discussion on facebook from people in other clubs who had played the same boards centred around whether those playing in the spades contract would have been likely to play for the drop in spades (hoping that the spades were distributed 1 each in defence) or whether to lead up to the 10D in your hand and finesse the k??

What would you have done? Playing in 7Sx against Sonia and Rita - I went for the drop in spades which meant I went two light. Unlike Joanne and Jim who obviously finessed for a top board of the night which was 6s making 7. Unfortunately my efforts brought a bottom board to me and my poor partner Heather.

Incidentally - for those with a mathematical bent - David Skipper (Christchurch Open player) advises "The drop has a 52% chance of success and the finesse has a 48% chance". Therefore those who used statistical analysis in the likely outcome would have gone for the drop going one light . . .that made me feel a bit better:)